Welcome, Wilkommen, Aloha, coi ro do!

Why, hello there! Thanks for checking out my blog. It is much appreciated. Very much.


So what is this blog about, you may ask? Simple, poems. Poems everywhere. I write a lot of poetry. I don’t mean one or two a fortnight, I mean three or four a week. I love it! I love the flow as I just write. Sometimes I’ll have an idea pop in to my head and I’ll write it down; anywhere, everywhere.


So yeah, poetry. My intentions for this blog are to have a poem a day posted. These will be recently written poems, within the last week or two, to keep it nice and challenging! Obviously, I could write one every day but I don’t have that much free time. So, I’ll aim to write one every day but some days, I may write three and some, none. Easy enough.


I hope you like what you see and stick around. Please share it around, as I’m just an aspiring young poet who loves writing poems. It would be nice to get a few followers or regular readers but who knows, it’s just the beginning!


Many thanks,


P.S, the languages in the title are; English, German, Hawaiian, Lojban (Said loch-ban, I believe).